The Imposter's Song
The Imposter
by Kevin Max
Listen: [rm]
| Lyrics: We don't like your politiking Get a new life Get a new love This is where your soul needs stitching Get on a job Bang on the drum Please believe your beautiful when your not made up Turn the switch- to give you my love A soul kiss -it's all over (yeah yeah yeah) Turn the switch- to give you my love A hard itch and it's never enough Later on this train is leaving Get on a board Sit in the sun Praying knees don't need any breaking Use all your fun Sleep like a nun Please believe your beautiful without the makeup Turn the switch- to give you my love A soul kiss- it's all over (yeah yeah yeah) Turn the switch- to give you my love A hard crush and it gives you the shove (It's over) Please believe you're beautiful when you're not made up (it's over now) Please believe you're beautiful and that's not made up (it's all over) Turn the switch- to give you my love A soul kiss-it's all over (yeah yeah yeah) Turn the switch- to give you my love A hard crush and it gives you the shove [Repeat chorus] Lyrics by Kevin Max and Jason Martin / blind thief publishing circa 1991 |
Lo principal del tema es:
" Por favor, cree que eres hermoso sin maquillajes."
Eso le dice Jesús al mundo.
Eres hermoso por lo que eres, y no por lo que aparentes ser.
Esta frase es la que mejor retrata todo el proceso que me cambió de lo que era a lo que soy.
Se cumple un año de mi crisis, y la conmemoro con esta canción.
A cambio de ti entregaré *hombres;
¡a cambio de tu *vida entregaré pueblos!
Porque te amo y eres ante mis ojos
precioso y digno de honra.